Export your Contact List
How to find and export Contact List
At SocialGlow you have an invaluable tool right at your fingertips to capture and save contact information of your group members.
You can easily export your full contact list to your device to make following up super easy.
From your SocialGlow dashboard, click Contacts from the lefthand menu.
You can now view a list of all your Contacts (members of all of your groups).
From here, you can see the following info for each Contact:
email addresses
phone number (if they opted to share this)
all groups they are a member of
their Wish List (all product posts they have saved to their Favorites).
You can also tag contacts and leave notes.
To export info, you can select individual contacts or check the box at the top to select all.
Click the Export CSV button on the bottom of the page.

You can now select the information you want to save and start the download process.

This file will be saved on your device to be viewed and edited in Excel:

Updated on: 03/02/2023
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