3 options for Business Integrations
As you grow your business and customer base, you may find yourself wanting to delegate some of the tasks necessary for success.
Using business integrations can help relieve you of some of that load.
What is an an integration?
The word Integration is defined as follows:

To put it more practically, you can connect your SocialGlow account to other apps to automate a task.
Here's an example:
Let's say you sell a fitness class subscription on your website, which includes access to one of your SocialGlow groups.
You can set things up in a way where each time someone subscribes to one of your classes, they are instantly invited to join your SocialGlow group.

This is where using a business integration to automate this can relieve you from handling these tasks manually.
3 options for using Integrations with SocialGlow
Manually send the group code:
Sidestep the need for any integration by sending the group code to those you want to have access.
This might seem like an odd option for this list! However, sometimes the simplest solution is the right solution. If sending the group code to your members is something you can easily keep up with, this may be the right fit for you and your business.
You have all the control in when the invitations are sent
This begins communication between you and the new member
Receiving a group code from you prompts them to use the free SocialGlow mobile app, which is the most beneficial way to interact with the group
Integrate SocialGlow with Zapier or ConvertKit
These integrations act as a mediator, or the glue that can connect your SocialGlow account to other apps.
Allows you to connect your SocialGlow account with 5,000+ other apps
Zapier is the most popular way you can automate SocialGlow actions, like inviting new members
Click here for more information about using Zapier to automate a task.
Click here for more information about linking your account to ConvertKit.
Professional Integration Services
This feature is available to those with a Premium subscription.
Perhaps you have had an app or tool built for you with a unique API, that is not available in Zapier. We have a solution for this!
You can consult with our team of experts to build a customized API integration for you, giving you the ability to connect your app to SocialGlow.
You can automate SocialGlow actions, like inviting new members
Included with a Premium subscription
We hope this guide helps you find the right fit for both you and your business.
If you have any questions about any of these steps, please reach out to our live support team via the Help Chat button in the corner of your screen. We'd be happy to help!
Updated on: 09/11/2023
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