Assessments Overview
Add an assessment to your course to test on the material covered in your course lessons.
Create an Assessment
From your SocialGlow dashboard menu, click Assessments.
Click the Create New Assessment button.

Title your Assessment, and assign a percentage score required to pass.

Click the Save button.
Add Questions to the Assessment
Scroll down and click the Add Question button.

Type in your question, then use Add Option to add on as many answers you want available to choose from.

Select either Single Choice or Multi-Choice as your question type.
Single choice only allows for 1 answer to be selected.

Multi-Choice allows for multiple answers to be selected.

Be sure to select which answer(s) is correct, then click Save.
You can continue using the Add Question button to create as many questions as you'd like for this assessment.
Add Assessment to a Course
There are a few ways assessments can be assigned:
To an individual lesson
As a standalone to quiz over past lessons
As a final test over the entire course as a whole
We'll cover each of these options below.
Adding an assessment to an individual lesson
From your dashboard menu, click Courses.
Click the name of the course you want to add an assessment to.
Near the top, choose the Structure tab.

Locate the lesson you want to add an assessment to, and click the Edit icon (looks like a pencil).

A new window will pop up. Scroll down, and toggle on the Assessment switch.

From the dropdown box provided, select the assessment to assign to this lesson.
Click Save.
Adding an assessment as a standalone lesson
This can be used as a cumulative quiz over past lessons.
From your dashboard menu, click Courses.
Click the name of the course you want to add an assessment to.
Near the top, choose the Structure tab.

Click the Add Lesson icon to the chapter you want to add an assessment to.

Name the lesson.

Scroll down, and toggle on the Assessment switch.

From the dropdown box provided, select the assessment to assign to this lesson.
Optional: The Prerequisites toggle is available if you want to require any previous lessons to be completed before this assessment can be taken.

Click Save.
Adding an assessment as a final test over the entire course as a whole
From your dashboard menu, click Courses.
Click the name of the course you want to add an assessment to.
Near the top, choose the Assessment tab.

Toggle on the Assessment switch.

From the dropdown box provided, select the assessment to assign to this course.
Click Save.
How assessments look within the course:
Assessments added as separate lessons or added as a final test will be listed in the column of lessons:

Assessments added to a single lesson can be accessed by selecting on the name of that lesson, and clicking the Take Assessment button:

Alternately, there is an Assessment tab where they can take it as well:

View members' scores
From your dashboard menu, click Courses.
Click the name of the course you want to check.
Near the top, choose the Members tab.

A list of all course members is given here, along with their assessment results.

Click the View icon (looks like an eye) to see a more detailed report of their assessment results.

Learn more about Courses here:
Courses Overview
How to Share a Course
Updated on: 23/03/2024
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