Files Feature
Files Feature
When posting directly to your groups, you have the ability to add a variety of file types, such as .pdf, ,doc, .docx, .pptx, .xls, and .xlsx. Any files added to your posts will show in the easily-accessible Files section of that group.
This is really handy for files you want your guests to be able to access and download easily or frequently. For example: schedules, recipes, flyers, charts, etc.
This can be done from both the mobile app and the website. The directions for each will be listed below.
From the Mobile App:
Uploading Files
When creating a new post, select the Upload icon (looks like a pencil).
A menu will pop up - click the 3-dot icon in the bottom corner, click Attach File, then select the file you want to upload. Multiple files can be added to the same post.
Once finished, click the Post icon.
Using the Files section
At the top of your group, click the 3-line icon.
Select Files.
From here, all group members can view all files that have been uploaded to that group.
Your guests will be able to download any of those files, by tapping the Download icon.
Click on any of these files to be directed to that post that included that file.
From the Website:
Uploading Files
When creating a new post, select the File icon (looks like a paper clip).
A window will pop up - select the file you want to upload. Multiple files can be added to the same post.
Once finished, click Post.
Using the Files section
Click the Files section, listed in the right-hand column of group
From here, all group members can view all files that have been uploaded to that group.
Your guests will be able to download any of those files, by tapping the Download icon.
Click on any of these files to be directed to that post that included that file.
Updated on: 15/05/2024
Thank you!