Gamify your community and courses! You can award points to build community and boost engagement.
Adding Gamification to your Groups
This can be added while creating a new group, or to an existing group.
When creating a new group
The Gamification option will be given on Step 3, during the creation of your new group.
Toggle on the switch for Add gamification to group.

To an existing group:
From your SocialGlow dashboard, click Groups.
Under the Actions column, click the Group Settings icon (looks like a gear) beside the group you want to add this feature to.

Navigate to the Step 3 tab near the top of the page.
Toggle on the switch for Add gamification to group.
Exclude Admins and Moderators (optional)
This option is available if you do not want the actions of you and other admins/moderators of this group to earn points to be counted towards the leaderboard.

You can create custom settings for this group, and any courses added to this group (if courses are included in your subscription).
Group Gamification
You're able to adjust the amount of points given for each action listed here.

Course Gamification
The amount of points given can be adjusted here as well.

Once finished, click Next Step at the bottom of the page,
Scroll to the bottom of the next page, and click Save Changes.
Group Members' view
When any of the members of that group complete any of the actions you've assigned points to, they'll receive a notification of those points being added to their account.

If Gamification is enabled in a group, there will be a Leaderboard tab available to view. This shows the top 3 members with the most points, and ranks all other members who have earned points in that group.

Learn more about the Leaderboard and other group features here:
Member Levels
Updated on: 08/07/2024
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