Using Invitation Codes
Using Invitation Codes
Invite Codes are the recommended way to invite members to your group. This is especially helpful as it eliminates the step of having to use a link to join the group, and prompts guests to use the mobile app.
You can watch the full video tutorial below or continue reading for written instructions.
Locating your Group's invitation code:
From your SocialGlow dashboard, click Groups.
Click the Share icon beside the group name you're wanting to invite members to.

A new window will pop up, which lists both your Invitation Code and RSVP Link and. Click the Copy Code button.

You can then send that code to anyone you'd like to join your group. It can be sent however you generally communicate with each person (text, email, instant message, etc).
Using Invitation Codes
There are two ways members can use the invite code you send them, using the mobile app
The SocialGlow app can be downloaded for free from the App Store and Play Store
For members new to the app:
When the app is opened, they can click the Enter Invite Code option

They can enter the invite code and RSVP from there

For members already logged into the app:
Click the Group icon on the bottom taskbar
Click the Join icon (looks like a + sign)
They can enter the invite code and RSVP from there

Learn more about inviting members to your group here:
How to Invite Members to your Group
What your Group Members Can Expect
Updated on: 27/12/2023
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