Group Settings | Options and Features
Group Settings Options and Features
When editing an existing group, there are a series of steps with various optional settings. This article is a compilation of all available settings.
TIP: Click on any underlined text throughout this article to read a more in-depth tutorial of that feature.
First, navigate to your Group Settings.
Use the tabs at the top of these pages to navigate to the step(s) you want to view.

Be sure to click the Save button at the bottom of any pages you make changes to.
There are 4 sections of your group settings:
Main Info
Timezone / Schedule / General Settings
Optional Features
Step 1 - Main Info

From this page, you can edit the following:
The name of the group
The description of the group
The group's cover photo
Step 2 - Timezone / Schedule / General Settings
Define your group settings including timezone, member posting, member approval and more.

From this page, you can add/edit/enable the following:
Choose your Timezone
The timezone selected here is what any scheduled posts and Events will adhere to.
Add Group Start/End date
If you want a Start Date to show on this group, toggle the switch given and selected your preferred date.
If a Start Date is enabled, you have the option to add an End Date as well.

This will not open/close that group on those specific dates, rather this will display those Start/End Dates at the top of that group.

ConvertKit Tags
If you've connected your SocialGlow account to ConvertKit, any tags you've created will be listed here.

If you're unfamiliar with business integrations like ConvertKit, learn more here:
Member Settings
Connect further with your members with the following options.
Toggle on/off your preferences for these features:
SMS notifications
RSVP Link/Code Sharing: Allow members to share that group's link/code
Enable Group Chat
Member Posting: Allow members to create posts in the group
Post Approval
Member Approval
Membership Questions
Any questions added here will be given when a new member goes to join the group. There is an optional toggle to make these questions required.

Step 3 - Gamification
Gamify your group by awarding points and levels to build community and boost engagement.

From this page, you can add/edit/enable the following:
Add Gamification to your Group
If enabled, a new series of actions will be listed, where you select how may points each action is worth.

Exclude Admins and Moderators from the Leaderboard
This is helpful if you don't want you and your other admins/mods to earn points and be listed on the Leaderboard.
Enable Levels
Using the Levels feature can help incentivize your group members to continue earning points to advance in rank.
If enabled, a new series of options will open, where you can customize your levels titles and/or badges.

Step 4 - Additional optional features available

From this page, you can add/edit/enable the following:
Use this button to create an itinerary for your group. Event dates are displayed in the group, and members will be sent an email reminder 5 minutes before the event's start time.
This can be helpful if you have things happening at certain times - such as a deadline, a time you're going live in that group, etc.

Group Topics
This allows you to create topics that you can assign your posts to, making it easy to browse a collection of posts you've made about that topic.
Add Link Buttons
Use this to create a weblink in the form of a clickable button that will be displayed in this group.

Custom Roles
This is helpful if you want to to use custom labels for the Admins, Moderators, and/or Members of this group. You would type in your preferred titles here.

Remember: Be sure to click the Save button at the bottom of any pages you make changes to.
Learn more about using your group here:
How to Schedule a Template to your Group
How to Invite Members to your Group
Updated on: 14/12/2023
Thank you!